ZinnoX Cybersecurity

5 Ways In Which Small Businesses Can Protect Themselves From Hackers

Contrary to popular belief, small and medium-sized businesses are prone to cyberattacks. Hackers don’t discriminate between the company sizes, as every organisation has sensitive data and information that can benefit them if misused. Cybercriminals choose small businesses as they usually lack the security infrastructure to defend themselves. However, due to increasing cyber awareness, organisations are increasingly bearing the heat of the pressure due to the rising vulnerabilities and threats. According to a survey conducted in the US, 88% of small businesses felt like they would be easy targets for cybercriminals. Despite claiming to be easy targets, many still fail to take necessary precautions regarding their organisation’s security, which is why we’re sharing three ways organisations can easily protect themselves.

Educate Your Employees Through Training Exercises 

Employees are the most critical assets for any organisation. However, these same assets can prove fatal if they are unaware of cybersecurity practices, compromising essential data. For example, if an employee works remotely and uses a public WIFI for work-related tasks, the chances of hackers exploiting this opportunity increase. Therefore, employees need to be adequately trained in cybersecurity practices, Do’s & Don’t

Backup All Your Critical Data On Cloud or Off-Site

It’s always good to save your data in the cloud and back it up regularly in case of a data breach. You don’t want to fall prey to hackers and lose all your financial data, employee information, spreadsheets and critical files due to slight negligence. Therefore, it is essential to back up your data off-site or in the cloud.

Develop an Incident Response Plan

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. In case of an unfortunate attack, your business needs to have an incident response plan in place that dictates the guidelines and the processes to follow in case of a breach. This is essential because it helps your team prepare for emergencies and acts as a blueprint for containing the damage.

Implement Role-Based Access for Employees

Prevent unauthorised access to your organisational devices and accounts by implementing role-based access to your employees. This way, only authorised personnel, such as admins, can view critical data. In contrast, the rest of your employees only see what they are authorised to see, such as their daily work-related tasks and activities.

Work With A Cybersecurity Company

Suppose you think your organisation or employees cannot tackle the security challenges. In that case, you should contact a reputed cybersecurity company that can outsource your work and do what they do best. They will take care of your entire security infrastructure and prevent hackers from exploiting the vulnerabilities in your applications and networks. This can save a lot of time with excellent results as these professionals deal with hackers in their day-to-day activities.

ZinnoX, on the other hand, is an award-winning Infosec Start-up that offers Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing services for your Networks, Web & Mobile Applications. Book a Demo with us to learn more about our services and see how our organisation can increase the efficiency of a testing project with a quick turnaround time.

Posted on: September 20th 2022